eLTECH nEWS fILE 10/10/95 cOMPILED bY sKINNER/eLTECH pLEASE nOTE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although we list members in different countries, we are a UNITED group. We no longer have seperate UK/Norway divisions! lATEST eLTECH nEWS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'BONDELANDET' BBS 24h online at (+47) 69 34 55 28 (NWY) 'PERMANENT VACATION' BBS is back online (UK) hELLRAZOR (raytracer) joined cOSHER (coder) joined sKINNER left the modem scene due to financial troubles 'SOUTHERN EMPIRE' BBS online at: +61 41 85 49 43 (OZ) lITHIUM bust for the use of 0800 numbers! wADE is the new packer of Lunch PAK 'FLAMESTRIKE' BBS goes ofline due to sPLASH`S army sevice dR.dEATH joins Apollo as doublemember sKINNER joins VOID as doublemember. mEMBERS iN tHE uK: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLIND MAN............Sysop of 'Permanent Vacation' BBS C-RAD.........................................Musician D-CODE..............................GFX & modem trader DR. OCTAVE....................................Musician HAMPO......................................Mail trader INFERNO........................ASCII artist & musician JESTA..............................Coder & mail trader LITHIUM...............Management, mail trader & packer LOOPY.....................Sysop of 'Loopy's Lodge' BBS LOZ........................................Coder & GFX MIC FLAIR..........Management, modem trader & co-sysop MR. ORANGE.........................................GFX ORION............................................Coder QUACKERS..................Coder & sysop of Dark Towers REALITOR...........................Coder & mail trader SCREECH.......................................Musician VIOLATOR..................................Modem trader WADE.....................Management, GFX & mail trader mEMBERS iN nORWAY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COSHER...........................................Coder DR. DEATH.......................Musician & mail trader HELLRAZOR....................................Raytracer HURRICANE..................................Mail trader MAZE....................Musician, mail trader & packer PINK PANTHER................Sysop of 'Bondelandet' BBS PREACHER...................................Coder & GFX SKINNER.......................Management & mail trader SPLASH........../X coder & sysop of 'Flame Strike' BBS mEMBERS iN aUSTRALIA: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MUSE.........Musician & sysop of 'Southern Empire' BBS End